Saturday, August 17, 2013

Almost time!

Yesterday I finally got the meet everyone at Meet the Teacher. There were about 70 people all packed into my class with big eyes and curiosity. All the little ones were so sweet!!! Everyone was on good behavior too. All the kids sat in their seat and everyone stayed off the blocked areas like I asked! here is what their desks looked like:

These were signs I put up for everyone to try to stay off of the toys etc. before the start of school. Thanks Jenny!

All things I couldn't get to in 30 minutes will be discussed on Back-to-School night or through email. I think they all were OK with this.

I am purposely NOT going to work today. I think its time for some pool and relaxing! But tomorrow I will get there bright and early to panic a little. 

1 comment:

  1. Your room was great for Meet the Teacher AND the first day!
