Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back pain, but for a good cause!

I was on go go go mode today and finally feel like I'm at least a LITTLE prepared for everything coming up! Yes!!! Can't move though, so hoping Advil will do me right tonight but it was so worth it. 

Here I made a little sign for my hermit crab's arrival into the class later on this week! The easel will but used for art center things later, but so cute to show off the little guy now.

I got this awesome clipboard from my auntie yesterday. She modge podged it with her own paper- creativity definitely runs in the family! 

Here are some places where I will be keeping writing and number center work. My kids have to take the baskets and tubs to their tables since we don't have designated areas for these. Thanks to my  co-worker Candace again for the cute labels! 

My TK picture frame is done! This was way more work than I expected (I'm seeing a theme on things that take way too long to do lately). I had to paint like three layers on each piece and wait for it to dry. So tedious! Kids will be taking their first day picture with their precious faces through my frame. 

This next one was another time-consuming thing, but I'm just hoping the numbers will withstand the students' wrath. I took circle sticker labels, put their  numbers on them, stuck them through the laminator, cut them out, then hot glued them to little binder clips. Phew! I'm satisfied. 

I was able to invest in some bigger tubs for lunch and snack. Here they are with their themed labels!

This coming Friday is Meet the teacher. Students will get to meet me and look around their classroom. We also collect miscellaneous items the we had previously requested in the beginning of the summer (baby wipes, masking tape, Kleenex, etc). I made this station for the parents to dump their goods off! Simple enough but effective!

Last is just a picture of my playdough balls I had mentioned in the previous post. The poem is too cute (Pinterest idea, of course). 

Meetings start tomorrow! I can't wait to meet everyone and get this year started!

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