Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lessons I've learned so far

1) I never would have known how many different leg muscles I'd be working out now that the year has started! I feel like I've been at the gym all day doing squats thanks to my 30 short guys that need me to get on their level throughout the day. It seriously is just more than mental power. 

2) For the record: routines are the hardest thing ever! The first day was so crazy that I caught myself just standing there at times thinking, "Oh geez, ok this is not working out the way I thought!" 

3) My Aide has quickly become my best friend. I appreciate the help so much more now than I ever would have known.  I should have thanked the aides in my classes as a kid more, they really are the best. 

4) I feel like I am surrounded by angels. I have such great support from all of the other teachers and staff that I never feel alone. I guess they are the ones that can relate to you the most since they are right there doing it all with you. It really pays to connect with anyone you can. 

5) The kids are learning so fast! Besides me adapting to the new routines, I have to say that I am super impressed with how quickly they are understanding school routines. We did our first watercolor activity today too and they were all so great with following the rules. 

The activity was magical paper that knew their name when they painted on it. It was the first time I used my document camera, and I think they really got a kick out of the live painting session on the big screen. Here is the example one I did for them: 

Tomorrow we introduce play dough!!! Let's hope it goes great! 

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on the legs issue. Mine have been killing me this past week. Luckily it will stop in a few weeks when we get back into the routine of work. Or I hope it will.
