Sunday, September 1, 2013

Glue+paper+crayons= happy kids

Where did August go?! I can't believe all of the activities we have gotten through already, and how much we seem to be a family now. Here are some highlights of TK lately! 

This is me. My first drawing that a little girl gave me one day. I know there will be many more, but I will always remember this one! Red hair? 

These books are awesome. We have been working on behavior and being friends in class- so reading these to the kids was perfect. 

One day we got to do this great mosaic name project. The kids were learning how to use drip glue (dot dot not a lot) and were able to test their skills on each little square. I chose colors to match my theme, but my neighbor teacher used more colors which came out cute too! 

One of the first painting projects ended up all over their faces/ arms, but the kids had smiles on their faces so I think it went well. This finger painting project was hilarious. I had two kids paired up and they were able to finger paint on the same paper each with different colors. I tried to pair colors together that'd mix well. Some kids didn't want to stick their hands in, while others decided to lotionize their arms in the remaining paint when they were finished!! I even had one boy put it on his face like war paint haha! In the end- they all were smiling so I'm glad I did it:) 

This was a friendship piece out of shapes. The max number if friends I allowed was four... But this one was so cute that I had to share. All of these were Pre-cut and stuck on with glue sticks (another exciting venture for them). 

That weekend I finally got around to dying my beans for the sensory bin!!! Just like egg dying- vinegar and food coloring. I added larger Lima beans later too, so they have plenty to color sort and play with now. 

This cutting collage seems simple, but they are all beginning scissor holders so it was cute to watch. They had to follow a line on each colored paper and cut them out. Then, with their glue sticks they glued them on to make a nice collage. 

I think every TK and K class should read the Pete the Cat books. They are so cute! Here are the Pete the Cats that they made out of shapes this last week. Since there were so many pieces, each one had to be pre-cut and places in ziplocs. Thank you Candace for your help!!! The kids had fun with this one. 

Pete the Cat graph was simple but great! In on book, Pete steps in blueberries and strawberries thus turning his shoes different colors. We read the book then graphed what our favorite colors were too. Looks like blue won! 

These letters are the first letters of each child in class. They used yarn and drip glue and they came out super cute! I think they really show the child's personality too, haha. 

Going along with our shape theme, we made grapes for Sleeping Sally the Tree. I let them out little faces on the grapes for fun too. Below is what they look like on Sleeping Sally!! 

Next week is the Letter A, and more shape fun! I can't wait! 

1 comment:

  1. Your projects came out so cute. I love your little grapes, they look adorable on your trees.
